Sunday, May 31, 2009

Child Abuse

Each week, child protective services (CPS) agencies throughout the United States receive more than 50,000 reports of suspected child abuse or neglect. In 2002, 2.6 million reports concerning the welfare of approximately 4.5 million children were made.

67 percent of these cases, the information provided in the report was sufficient to prompt an assessment or investigation. As a result of these investigations, approximately 896,000 children were found to have been victims of abuse or neglect—an average of more than 2,450 children per day.

60 percent of victims experienced neglect, meaning a caretaker failed to provide for the child's basic needs. Nearly 20 percent victims experienced physical abuse, 10 percent sexual abuse , though these cases are typically more likely to be publicized. 7 is the smallest number, were found to be victims of emotional abuse, which includes criticizing, rejecting, or refusing to nurture a child.

An average of nearly four children die every day as a result of child abuse or neglect (1,400 in 2002).

Who is more likely to be abused or neglected?

No group of children is immune. Boys and girls are about equally likely to be abused or neglected.

Children of all races and ethnicities experience child abuse. In 2002, 54 percent of all victims were White, 26 percent were African American , and 11 percent were Hispanic. 2 percent American Indian or Alaska Native children accounted , and Asian-Pacific Islanders accounted for 1 percent of victims.

Children of all ages experience abuse and neglect, but the youngest children are most vulnerable. Children younger than 1 year old accounted for 41 percent of all abuse-related deaths reported in 2002; 76 percent of those killed were younger than 4.

Who reports child abuse and neglect?

In 2002, 57 percent of all reports made to CPS agencies came from professionals who came in contact with the child. 16 percent of all reports are from teachers. 16 percent from legal, law enforcement, and criminal justice personnel. 13 percent social services workers , and 8 percent medical personnel were the most frequent sources of reports in 2002. Many people in these professions are required by law to report suspected abuse or neglect.

44 percent reports came from nonprofessional sources, such as parents, other relatives, friends, and neighbors. Anonymous reports accounted for 10 percent of all reports in 2002. It is important for everyone to know the signs that may indicate maltreatment and how to report it. We all share a responsibility to help keep children safe as we take steps to prevent abuse from occurring in the first place.

Works Cited

Iannelli, Vincent. "Child Abuse Statistics." Child Abuse Statistics. 2007. New York

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